It’s 6am in Oslo, Norway and I am both sad and livid but not surprised about this story—based on the fact that a lot of modern women seem to think they own the men who are in relationships with them and this mindset is largely fuelled by social media and their warped conception of what a relationship is or ought to be.
This woman killed her husband with whom she has 4 kids with yesterday and the killing was steamed live on Facebook.
In the live Facebook video when the argument was happening, the man could be seen trying to leave to go to work even. The women is seen asking him to cook for the children before going to work.
The man wanted to leave and yet he got shot and killed. This is a senseless murder of someone’s son.
My mother always tells me: if a woman wants to stress you and kill you eventually (either through stress or directly), just leave her—you didn’t come into this world with her and when you die, she will move on with her life.
My friend died not long ago and today his wife is already dating. Another died of cancer and his own friend is now dating his girlfriend after they spent so much time grieving together. Recently, they were in Spain together as a couple, chilling.
Everyone I have been with knows this principle of my life. No matter how much I love and care about you and no matter who you are—if I see a pattern of stress and mental instability, I am out—I am not that man for you.
I am not in this world to help anyone heal their wounds I didn’t cause—I am not a Messiah and I can’t carry that cross to the detriment of my own life. Fix yourself first before you go seeking for relationships and don’t go and burden someone else with your issues which he or she wasn’t part of the architects.
Social media is grossly misleading modern women on their roles and contributions to relationships. Many are so misinformed to the extent that when they have a good man even, they wobble about with nonsense they shouldn’t be bothered about in relation to these men. This man seems to have been present and involving.
And you can see from the woman’s social media posting that recently, she posted that she was happy with this man who bought her a ring for their anniversary. At least, from this single post, he is not a complete useless man—he bought you a ring on 9th March and on 26 March, you killed him.
Another look at the woman’s Facebook timeline shows the sort of contents she shares or consumes—all talking or painting relationships as if they got to be perfect and love is this and that.
What the heck is wrong with people these days? You are born into this world alone and for some greater part of life you didn’t even know someone existed—you meet this person and you start a relationship—so suddenly the person has to be perfect for you or do things how you want it. And if he doesn’t do it, instead of leaving, you will rather kill him.
Now, this woman will end up in prison or some mental institution and leave 4 innocent children to a system that wouldn’t give a toss really about them.
A lot of people are not matured enough to be in relationships or be married. This woman is one of them.
What kind of anger would make you want to kill someone or ruin their life? And here, someone you are in a relationship with and has even children with. By
It’s a goddam relationship, a social contract—built on compromises and trade offs. It shouldn’t be the core of anyone’s existence and it is not a do or die affair.
It’s a contract which if the terms do not benefit you anymore, repudiate it, and move on. And if you have what the market wants, you will find another person easily to enter into another social contract with.
We all have a duty to shape the minds of the next generation (our children) as to how relationships should be. And the foundation of this teaching has to be that if the other person does not bring you peace, don’t engage.
—Chris-Vincent Agyapong