It is very unfortunate how women are raised in our part of the world to believe that their lives depend on men and they cannot do anything without men. Many women go into relationships just to look for a man to establish her, rent for her, feed her, make her feel like a woman.
Many women have become a liability on men, wasting their lives away instead of becoming useful. A young lady will put a hold on her education or the skill she is learning just to move and live with a man as if he is her god and she was not blessed as an individual.
The dependency mindset of many women created jobs such as Side chicks and sugar daddies. These ladies depend on men for their survival. People are normalizing these mistakes created by society and calling them realities.
The God who created man is the same God who created woman and blessed both (Genesis 1:26-28), tasked them to be fruitful and multiply. In marriage, the woman is a helper to the man (Genesis 2:18). How can she help the man if she goes into the marriage with the intention of depending solely on him? If she cannot produce or multiply, what value or substance or use can she bring onboard to help the man?
If you are a woman reading this article, I want you to understand that you are not created to depend on a man and marriage is not your full stop in life. You are not created to just marry and give birth.
God has created you with potential; discover that, master it, become independent and then go into marriage and be a helper. If many young ladies understand this, they won’t go chasing men when they know they are not ready for marriage, and don’t have what it takes to meet their own basic needs.
Schooling is not for men only, working is not for only men, earnings or money is not for men only, relationship or marriage is not for only men. Taking care of family is not only for men. Women are working partners of men and not dependents or subordinates. Don’t burden him, rather complement him.
In conclusion, “Every time you find work to do, do it the best you can. In the grave there is no work. There is no thinking, no knowledge, and there is no wisdom. And we are all going to the place of death – Ecclesiastes 9:10 (ERV).
Source:Frank Edem Adofoli (Counselor Adofoli)
Counselor, ADR Practitioner, Conference Speaker, Author
CEO, The Marriage Consult LTD.
T. +233201435300